1. Keep your potatoes, avocados, tomatoes, apples, and onions in a cool, dry area that is NOT inside your refrigerator. The ultra-cool air can cause them to lose their flavor.
2. Wash and soak your berries in a mixture of 3 parts water, one-part vinegar. Allow to soak for no more than 10 minutes, rinse, and then spread them out on a paper towel to dry. Store in a clear, airtight container, and line the bottom with a paper towel to absorb any moisture!
3. Citrus stays fresh much longer in the refrigerator.
4. Place un-ripened bananas on the counter, and then once they ripen you can move them to the refrigerator. This will darken the peal, but the fruit will stay fresh!
5. Spray cut up apples, avocados, or guacamole with a little lemon juice to prevent it from browning!
6. Store mushrooms in a paper bag.
7. Make sure your herbs and lettuce are stored sealed, with a little air and no moisture.
8. Line the bottom and top of your spinach containers with a paper towel to absorb all the moisture. This is especially true if you are buying organic!

9. Dice up herbs and green onions and store in an empty water bottle in the freezer.
10. If you notice a few berries going bad in the midst of many still fresh ones, remove those pieces, and rinse the remaining berries to stop the spread of mold.
11. Wrap celery in aluminum foil and store in the crisper drawer in your refrigerator.
12. Store as many refrigerated and dry products in clear glass containers as you can. This will allow you to see the contents, seal them for freshness, remind you how full they are! You are psychologically much more inclined to use them if you can see the actual product as well!
13. When buying bulk meat, portion it all out into the desired servings and keep it all frozen until right before you plan on cooking it. This prevents from having to defrost large amounts, only to have to put half of it back in the freezer!
14. If you take a while to go through cereal, store it into an air-tight container or Ziploc, instead of its original box! This will help prevent the items from tasting stale.
15. Store all dairy in the back of the refrigerator where it is the coldest. Never store your milk, creamer, or half n half in the door, as it is much warmer there!
16. Speaking of milk, transfer your milk to sealable glass containers, as they can get colder!
17. If you do like buying in bulk, consider purchasing a deep-freezer for large items, and to be able to store for even longer than a regular freezer.
18. Make grocery trips frequently, and only buy what you can use up, or store in your freezer!